You can ride a horse and stay on top of it because you have good balance. Instead of ending up on the floor! That should be sufficient motivation to learn how to ride a horse with good balance. Harmony with your equine partner can also be achieved through perfect balance. We have various products available and we provide a vast range in these products with the best prices and discounts in the market, to read more about Ashva and about the products we provide visit
When you have balance during horseback riding, you can relax your body and enable your horse (or pony!) to move freely and spontaneously. You must be balanced in order for your horse to be balanced. Horses continuously readjust themselves to keep you on top, so it's healthier for both you and your horse if you maintain your balance in check.
When you lose your balance when riding a horse, your body's natural reaction is to hold your legs and brace your shoulders. All of your joints become tight and move slowly as a result of this. It makes it impossible for you to proceed with your horse. It can be quite inconvenient for your horse, as well as for you because they operate as stress absorbers, your joints must be flexible and elastic. When your joints are fluid, you can follow the horse's movement. However, if you're unbalanced and they stiffen up, you'll bounce around in an odd manner and end up crooked.
Balance is vital so that we can keep our aids independent so that our horses can grasp what we're doing with our seat, legs, and reins.
Having a proper seat and stance while horseback riding is the first step toward good balance. There are a variety of activities you can do to help once you've established these. To buy from a vast collection of Martingale from Ashva
Three horseback riding exercises to help you improve your balance!
⦁ Posting in walk
Try 'raising' like you would in trot while walking. As you rise from the saddle, keep your weight distributed down your legs and through your heels. Because you're not being pushed up by the horse's movement, this technique will help you activate your core and provide you balance. Maintain touch with the reins, but don't cling to the horse's mouth or rely on it for balance. Do this action with your hands on your hips to improve your balance even more while horseback riding. To keep your horse safe, make sure he's wearing a lead rope or lunge rein.
⦁ Two-point position
You can try trotting in two-point position once you feel balanced on your horse and are comfortable walking while standing in the stirrups. Only two points of contact with the saddle - one in each stirrup - define the two-point position. Your weight is spread evenly down each leg, into your heel, and on the stirrup as you take your weight out of the saddle. Lean forward to lower your centre of gravity. This workout is also beneficial for strengthening your leg muscles! If you're in a new situation, you'll definitely notice it.
⦁ No stirrups
Try horseback riding without stirrups to see if you've achieved the pinnacle of balance. Without stirrups, you must be balanced and have a decent seat in order to stay in the centre of the saddle and follow your horse's movement.
Riding without stirrups will teach your muscles how to stay on a horse without the use of any further aids. You can remove your stirrups by crossing them in front of the saddle's pommel while at a halt. Maintain the same riding position as if your stirrups were present, and keep your weight in your heels.
If you're a beginner, let someone hold the horse on a lead rein or long line. Hold on to the front of the saddle or some mane if it helps you keep your balance while you're first starting out.
Practice makes perfect with horse riding balance
Practice makes perfect, as they say. The more exercises you do that require you to keep your balance without the use of other aids, the easier it will be to maintain balance when riding a horse. To check out horse collection visit
There are a variety of ground exercises you may undertake to improve your balance when horseback riding. You can learn more about upgrading your aids once you've mastered your balance.